What Is Your Animal Personality?
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Lookie! i'm Badger! but am i sound grumpy to you??? i am??? argh! darn!
Saturday, January 25, 2003
Me Today!
listen to : Beegees = I started a joke

Okay! I'll be back to my apartment tomorrow! Yippie! I can't wait! By the way..right now, me and my brother are watching Harry Potter and The sorceres stone. I kinda bored..hehehehe...so I post something here... well, actually I really don't know what to talk about...well then..I think I better go..
see ya!
![]() I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to be blending in in society. What Flavour Are You? |

Who are you?
Friday, January 24, 2003
Me Today!
listen to : Phantom Planet = Lonely day
Okay! people! hear this out! I get 3,00 for my first semester scores!!! YAY! But I'm not so happy about that! I should do better! darn! anyway...I met my crush today...*wink* okay..but I don't have the nerve to greet him! darn again, eh???. You're maybe laughing at me now...but what the hell! I'll get him...someday..
Oh, well! oh, yeah! i remember something! Happy Birthday to Miriam!!! she's a beautiful friend from Argentina!! Happy Birthday dear!! I was supposed to chat with her... Now, yes! on this very moment! but.. i don't know what happen with the connection...darn!
You know what i just found out that..s many bad things happened to me today...but somehow..I don't make it like it's big deal! Yay for me!!
i have to go...and For Anggie (if you read...) would you please put your lovely website address or your email maybe..i'd like to contact you sometimes..you know..
okay people..i have to go! bye!
Which LotR male cast member do you sound like?
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Thursday, January 23, 2003
Me Today!
well, i was wrong the other day..i was supposed to have the final scores today..but then again..i was to lazy moving my fat ass to campus..maybe i'll get my scores tomorrow. I know that will be good hahahahaha! Right now, i'm in my parents' house but this sunday i'll be back to my tiny weenie apartment. But i like it there...I love my home though...anyway...come on people review my fancfic! Bye! wish me luck for my final scores okay!

Just stuffed full of surprises. No one ever knows what you're going to do next. The greatest mystery to you is, naturally, "how do they get the caramel in the Caramilk bars?"
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Me Today!
now, today! i'm going to have my first final scores in my first semester in college....*shivering* OH GOD! i'm so scared...i hope i didn't screwed things up...*worry*...I have to go now...OH GOD! breathe jessica, breathe...now come down...*panic* OH NO! OH GOD HELP ME!
okay..i'm going..bye...pray for me okay...

Who are you?
Sunday, January 19, 2003
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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What box do you get put in?
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How azn are u?
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which eye are you?
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Oh My Gosh! They're eating me! the DARN QUIZZEZ eating me! alive! oh, no! run for your life!
Me Today!

listen to Top of the Pops = I dunno what song..
Yesteday i wacthed YAMAKASI that France movie...it was awesome! you have to it yourself! man! i can't believe they were actually climbing that buildings without any equipment! My goodness! amazing! anyways...come on people rate my fanfic..thanks...

What's your Inner European?
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Friday, January 17, 2003
Day or Night? night..stars..
Jam or Jelly? jelly...well both..
Iliad or Odyssey? Odyssey
Thunderstorms yes or no? yes..
Go Sushi...yes/no? yeah!
Sweaters or Sweatshirts? Sweaters
Punk or Ska? both good!
We know how you take your coffee, but how do you take your potato? baked
Pens or Pencils? pencils
Poltergeist or Exorcist? poltergeist, exorcist didn't scare the crap out of me!
Honeycomb or Espionage? dunno..
Me Today!

listen to Radiohead = High and Dry
I really don't know what to write. My life was so plain lately. Just flow...Oh, yeah! by the way, I get B for my Anthropology! Yippie! Phew! at least i didn't get C...
I get FLU! argh! i hate it. I sneeze all the time...and my nose get red and big...almost like a clown...Oh, well...I have to fix my bloggie and my fanfic..bye..see ya around!
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Which LOTR Actor Is Your Ideal Husband?
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What Kind of FLIRT are you?
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what's YOUR deepest secret?
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What sexy girl are you
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Me Today!

listen to Gin Blossom = Follow you down
oh, I 'm bored...and seems that i am addicted to quizzez! oh, god!
Monday, January 13, 2003
What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
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How can I label you?
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What Is Your True Aura Colour?
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What's YOUR Writing Style?
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who's your indie rock boyfriend?
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What's your sexual appeal?
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What Self-Mutilation Are You?
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Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
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Me Today!
it's been a bored day..but then i met ricosuave at the AIM! i have nice chat with him! he is a nice guy after all! thanks for make me not felt bored anymore!
anyways..i just zapping around...then i find out that i'll be died on Wednesday, January 16, 2083. Hahaha..pretty funny don't you think...I think so..
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Which Hayden Christensen Character are you?
Which Orlando Bloom Are You?
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Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Me Today!

listen to Radiohead = High and Dry
I am now waiting for my final test scores! I'm so scared to dead! I'm shivering..can you feel the vibration..*vibrate*
I hope i wont get a C for my Anthropology...I used to like it in high school but now somehow I hate it! Yuck!
Enough talking about Anthropology. I am so bored! I dont know what to do..what about screaming! good idea! *screaming :"Life is so fucked up!"* phew! done!
Anything else? I'm still bored...the screaming thing doesn't really work..bah! I know! *an idea pop up* Let's go to seanbiggerstaff.com's message board and bitching around there! I think it's gonna be fun! alrighty! i'm comin' sean..(what the??) I think my brain is lost in space..and..been kidnapped by the alien.. wait a sec..it's not me speaking..that's my lunatic brain speaking..ignore her!
Oh, god! i'm going to the mental institute, i am..am i?..shit!
Me Today!

listen to Radiohead = High and Dry
I am now waiting for my final test scores! I'm so scared to dead! I'm shivering..can you feel the vibration..*vibrate*
I hope i wont get a C for my Anthropology...I used to like it in high school but now somehow I hate it! Yuck!
Enough talking about Anthropology. I am so bored! I dont know what to do..what about screaming! good idea! *screaming :"Life is so fucked up!"* phew! done!
Anything else? I'm still bored...the screaming thing doesn't really work..bah! I know! *an idea pop up* Let's go to posted by the one with the random mind... at 1:04 PM
Wednesday, January 01, 2003
Me Today!

What Smiley Are You?
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listen to Santana feat Michelle Branch = The Game Of Love
Happy New Year 2003 People!
I really had a party yesterday! But I get a lil lonely feeling, I am in the crowd but i feel that way..like something is missing..And then i realize, I need someone besides me..I mean I get buncha friends but I need someone. You know what i mean, do you? And Dammit! last nite was raining! I love rain, but this time it's make me feel mellow! Can I falling in love with a friend?..I mean, I used to see him as a friend but lately it is just different..I dont know..Last nite i talked much with him..ugh..i dont know..i'm confused..This is like..you have to choose, to let your heart falls or to keep your heart..I mean he's a friend, It'll be weird if I date him, isn't it? Everything is fucked up! acually it's just my heart and my mind...D'oh!
Oh, well I just hoping this year 2003..everything in me will be better..everything! And i hope i'll have good marks in every lessons..*begging baldly*
2002 is been a hard and sweet year for me..I graduated from High school, I studied hard to enter a great University in town, and thank God i succeded! , I met buncha good friends and um..mental lecturers..hahahaha..I met buncha good guys..tee hee..(what the..)..Everything seems fair to me..I learn how to grow up..hard though..but I'll live..Oh, well..Life ain't that easy..