Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony that's life...Try to make ends meet ,you're a slave to the money then you die...I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet...

Monday, April 19, 2004

Me Today!

Just Had a Wonderful Weekend--Live music, Party, Museum, Volunteering, and Beach!
Listen to--

I really had a wonderful weekend. Thank God. I really need it. You know, I've been so stressed lately with school's shits and I hate it. But last weekend, I had a wonderful weekend. Awesome!

1st, Friday, April 16th.
Our campus, Psychology, had this live event every year and we had this live music and comedy drama by the freshmen. Nice one. Not so spectacular as my freshmen year but they're okay. I laugh a lot. LMAO. I had fun and Dimas almost want to do THA DANCE. The most humiliating dance ever. LOL. But then He stops. Thank God. LMAO. He didn't like the song.

2nd, Saturday, April 17th.
I spent the night at my parents' house because my uncle has this party. His 50th Birthday party. I met a lot of relatives and my mother and father's friends. My parents were like, "Hey, this is Jessica, our 1st daughter, who go to University Of Indonesia". Oh, University of Indonesia is like one of the best Univ in Indonesia, so yeah. Thank God, They're not saying "Do you have any decent son that can go out with my daughter" LMAO. My parents always DO that.
And yeah, Ethan, when I said there's no booze in the party. Well, I was wrong. There's some and they were like non-drinker but drink, so, you know. One glass of wine and their sanity is gone. LOL. It's kind of funny watching people like that. Not that decent while there are lil kids around. Too bad. Anyway, I met other relatives and new people. So I guess it was okay.

3rd, Sunday, April 18th.
This is the ultimate weekend. Ever. So far. It was so great. In the morning, about 8 am, we, the volunteers (Ine, Rere, Uthe, Anis, Iqbal2, and me) were arrive at the Kota train station and had some porridge with chicken (bubur ayam). Then, we went to the nearest museum--History Of Jakarta Museum. It was old, great and beautiful building. And a lot of paintings and antique stuffs and other historical things. It was great to knowing your culture and heritage. It was awesome! wicked!

After that, around 10 am, we went to the volunteering place--the poor fishermen boats--near the sea. Dimas, Rizal, Diana and Nirta just arrived at the place. Too bad they're not coming with us to the museum. Rizal is so pissed we missed him. LOL. But I know he just kiddin'. Then we begin the lessons. We played with the kids, as always, they were fun and cheerful. I love them. Every week I went there, I always want to come again and again. Hear their laughter, their asking voice, they are so smart. I like to teach them.

After play and teach, around 1 pm some of the guys want to go to the near island in Jakarta, to one of the island of The Seribu Islands. Then some of the fathers of the kids offering their boat to take us to the island. and of course we said yes!!!! LOL.

We're so excited to go to the Onrust Island. It's a Dutch word, onrust island is the never rest island. I think. LOL. A lot of funny things happens, of course it's dealing with Rizal and strong>Anis<. The two guys is so fuckin' hilarious. And Dimas gave me this beautiful seashells. Awwww....And some walking thru the beach sands and just joking around. Awwww..... I can start Awww-Awww-ing for the next 30 hours but it would be bored you, so yeah. Ahahahaha.

We went home around 7 pm. Dimas and me take dinner first of course. On the train along the way home, we talked a lot about stuffs, about he have this planning/dream to teach children in the Islamic school thing. Actually, I almost want to laugh, but it would be so rude, so I just nodded and I said I support you. LOL. It was great knowing him begin to love kids. I don?t know what's so great about it but I'm happy. It's weird. LOL. You know me, I'm weird.

So, the moral of the story : don?t forget to bring sun block to the beach because you never know how tan you can be.

Oh, yeah, it's so true. *tanned*
And Dimas is complaining how tan he is and he hate it. Whatever, Dimas!

Friday, April 09, 2004

Me Today!

Being pessimistic only lead you to nothing!
Listen to--Weezer: The world has turned and left me

This post is for provoking people to vote. LOL. No. It's just about my opinion on voting In Indonesia. There are so many negative voices I heard about our voting from the foreign and also from the citizen itself. But from the enthusiasms I see from Indonesian for this voting is great, look, the number of people who vote this year is bigger than last voting. For me it seems that most of the citizen are actually want Indonesia to grow, to get out of this misery! And that was a positive thing. I still have faith for Indonesia because I'm tired of this injustice and chaos. And I'm PRETTY SURE that most of Indonesians feel the same as I do. I believe there're still many Indonesians that aware of their country problems and capable to fix it.

I want to change it and being pessimistic will not lead you to something. Being pessimistic is only lead you to worst case scenario.

Being pessimistic toward politics will lead you to nothing. You will doubt everything that government do. Even if it for the best. I'm not being naive about the politics. I know politics will never appear clear and pure, it always mean and dirty, I know that. At first, I'm being pessimistic like anyone else. That's normal. Indonesians are suffer too long from this chaotic condition. It's normal, that most of the people will doubt this voting--I said 'most of the people' not 'all the people' because I don't want to generalizing. Generalizing is not good, it leads to group think. Back to the problem, it is normal to doubt it at first, but doubting will not lead you to change. You have to make an action out of it! And now, the government give you a way to do it. So why waste?--think about Myanmar whose government is a dictator--you SHOULD be grateful.

Maybe some of you will ask, what if they--the bad people--cheat on the voting, what if they change the number of voting, etc. Lets take the risk!! I still have faith that if they do it, then we still can do something about it, like perhaps sue them! Or kill them!--Kiddin’ *grins*

We have to take the risk. I’m sure all of us have common sense and humanity inside us--even if it a little. LOL. So, we can use our common sense and humanity to vote, to choose what’s the best! Why waste your common sense and humanity! Are you rather to waste your common sense to unimportant thing than your country future? You’re live in it, you’re a part of it, do’h! Don’t you want to be proud of your country? Wait, lets forget about the pride, think about the people in it, if you have humanity at least you will consider about it again.

Well, the point is, being pessimistic is useless. Maybe because of being pessimistic, you choose not to vote. Fine. For me, you don’t have a right to criticize the country further. If you want to change the country, criticize and being pessimistic are NOT ENOUGH. YOU NEED TO ACT, DUDE! The voting in Indonesia is different from the last one and it’s better than the last one. Well, it’s better in some ways. It’s a good start. If we don’t take a chance now, then when? What if there’s NO tomorrow? Then what will you do? You DO need to act--to vote, to demonstrate--whatever.

For the pessimistic people out there, who do not vote: Go ahead sit in the pitiful corner, take a comfortable seat and put a sorrowful face on and DON’T YOU DARE TO CRITICIZE! Not even moaning about it. Because your moaning, criticize and your pessimistic attitude will NOT CHANGE Indonesia. So go ahead blame yourself.

A country is not only you and I, dude! There are a lot of people in it. So, think about them, think about their future, OUR FUTURE. And STOP being selfish at once. And start to think POSITIVE.

Damn, I should be majoring in Social Politics instead of Psychology. LMAO. Comments will be appreciated. Thanks for letting me rant. And yes, I think I will have Politics Psychology for next semester's subject.

Edit--We canceled the DATE. Yeah, Damn storm and Dimas is so busy with the Exhibition thing. Maybe Sunday. Maybe.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Me Today!

Just feel like to blog some!
Listen to--The Strokes: Last Night

Boo! LOL. I'm on hyper mood. Weeeeeee...Okay I stop.

Good news! Good news! I have my social job at the campus!! Yay! After some hilarious interview, I get the Job! Well, not really a job, they don't pay me. But it's a good opportunity to help people who need it. And Kids! Yeah, I love kids.

The social project is, there are some fishermen that lost their houses because the government just get ride of them without give them some shelter, just for the reason of developing the city!--I mean, developing the city for who? Doh! They are also live in the city, you MORON!--And now they have to live on their little ships with the entire family!

My job is I'm supposed to help them on they study and care. I have assist them, accompany them to learn and play. Tell them stories, play games with them. It's fun, it's great to hear them laugh. I mean they just kids...They need to have fun...It's not fair to let them lose their childhood just because the unfair government. It's like the justice IS ONLY for the rich!

Man, I'm sorry I kept talking about politics and social problems. It just wasn't feel right for me. I see it with my own two eyes. I'm supposed to do something about it right?!
And it's been about 2 weeks running now, sorry I tell you so late about this--it's because the damn exams. You know what, Dimas is joining the social project too last week!! Yay! It's great. He told me the reason why he joined it--"so that you don't have to miss me cuz you can see my face more often"--RIGHT! *smirk*. Stupid answer. And that stupid smile of him again. Sometimes, I just don't find him really serious about us. I dunno. Maybe I'm the one who too uptight about this.

Speaking of politics, tomorrow, April 5th 2004, We, Indonesians, will have voting day(1st row). So wish us luck, okay people. Cross your fingers with me. I want this voting day to success.

Oh, and I already finished the damn mid term tests!! Yay! God, I feel free. LOL. I really need a massage, hair treatment, skin treatment and new hair cut. Seriously. LOL. I might sounds like an Elle Woods(legally blonde)--Beauty care maniac!--LMAO. I'm NOT, I just need to relax. Yeah, I really do need to relax, after that damn 2 weeks of hard work, blood and tears. LOL. Sorta.
And yeah, I need a good laugh too. I'm tired using the same face again for two fucking weeks--frowning mixed with anxious face . Seriously. I need to go to the movie or something. Oh, yeah. I forgot, I have a date next week. LOL. How can I forget that? *stupid*

Anyway, where's everybody? Why is my commenting so lonely? Where are my people, er...I mean my friends. LOL. Ethan is going to LA--be good bro!, Rick is busy--like all the time (I understand Rick), Emil is on Finals--fight! fight!, Zahira is busy--of course, I bet she looks pretty in the work and my Thai friend Ziameze is busy too--how the happy April going on?
And thanks for Nic for checking my blog.
I feel so lonely *sniffs*. Where are you guys? Am I the only one who don't have a job and still can blog?
Hello, People? Where art thou?!

I am the Master of the Universe!
Magister Mundi sum!
"I am the Master of the Universe!"
You are full of yourself, but you're so cool you
probably deserve to be. Rock on.

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