Me Today!
I had a nice monday!
Listen to--Frank Sinatra: Something Stupid
Hmm....I've been thinking, to tell you or not to tell you about this silly thing. Last Monday I went out with Dimas. I think it's our real second date. Well, I think...LOL

Anyhow, the date was almost getting worst and weirder, almost failed to be exact. You wanna know why? The plan is we're eating lunch 1st, after that went to the bookstore--Gee, whatta geek!

So then, we’re decided not to go to Cinema--Of course we were! Dammit! You should see the line!! So we went to the local Café for having some drinks and just making some real nice quality of conversation--

Oh, yes, the conversation is so nice--incase you weren’t notice I say that with a sarcasm on it. You know what line I start the convo with? You won’t believe me. I asked him his favorite color!! Oh yes, I did! See how silly it went. Hahahaha!

After, the Café we decided to go to the bookstore again--Dimas said he wants to buy his little sister a Harry Potter 5 Indonesian version book. But suddenly He change his mind, He wanted to go to the Movie again. Then we checked there, luckily we didn’t have to wait in line again and he bought the tickets and we watched Arisan!--the movie.

Well, I had fun last monday. It was fun. And He still don't want to tell me his new year resolution!! LOL

Anywho, I had a nice convo with Rick on MSN last saturday. He's so nice! We're mocking about Ethan--We're watching you Ethan! I heart you Rick! and Happy belated 1 year Anniversary with Nicole!! I'm happy for you.

Zahira and Ziameze thanks a lot for the comments! I love you guys! And for everybody who visited my blog--it's very nice of you!

So there, I got to go. I have a meeting tomorrow about the next event in Campus. Busy! See ya!
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