Me Today!
Happy Ied day!!
Tomorrow will be leaving town for a week...
Listen to--Travis: Driftwood
Happy Ied day people! Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin! May the forgiveness spread and bring us back to fitrah! I'm so happy yet exhausted. There was a lot of guest today at my family, my neighbors *I have a good looking neighbor!!*, and my father's friends..yeah..everybody! My friends keep sending SMS and all...I feel loved..*sigh*. Thanks!

Ey, Ey, I found a site that can feed your ego, Yes, I tell the truth! the Advertising Slogan Generator
It feeds mine..

Come See the Softer Side of Cj---Aww...I have softer side?
Your Cj, Right Away---Yes, Maam!
The Curiously Strong Cj---Sounds like Hulk to me..*snort*
This Is Not Your Father's Cj---Gee..I hope it wasn't my mum talking
Do The Cj---Oh Yeah, baby! do the CJ!
Just Like Cj Used To Make---What did I make?
Please Don't Squeeze The Cj---Yeah! that's hurt!
The Cj That Likes To Say Yes---Depends!
The Cj of Confidence---Oh, okay..
Time To Make The Cj---Sounds like my parents 19 years ago..
Sometimes You Feel Like a Cj, Sometimes You Don't---Really?
I'll stop..really! I try to.. *sigh*

You're in Good Hands with Cj---I sound like a nanny
Life's Pretty Straight Without Cj---Yeah! I'm Gay! *sigh* kidding!
You've Always Got Time For Cj---You just have to! dammit!
Say It With Cj---Yeah..CJ is a flower?
It's the Bright One, it's the Right One, that's Cj---Aww..thank you..thank you..aww..
Cj Makes Everything Better---See! I was telling the truth!
Okay! I stop!! dammit! this is addictive...Blame my ego! it's her fault!
Anyway, Me and my family will be leaving the town--Jakarta--at 6 o'clock in the morning to Lampung. In Lampung, we'll be living near my uncle radio station. We'll visit my aunt boutique too and probably a little shopping LOL

Okay, I just paying attention at the newest Travis vid clip--re-offender--Nice! Very! It has story..a lot of violence but still very interesting. 1st they had this one van to travel together to do performance and all. They had this issue to each other but they hide it. Then they do the 1st performance--on stage without bruises. 2nd performance with black eyes and they split van into 2 vans. 3rd performance on stage with black eyes and bandages. And of course, 3 vans. In the end, they're doing performance with black eyes, bandages and broken noses and yes, as you might guess 4 vans, 1 for each member of the band. Watching this Vid Clip kinda remembering me to OASIS..LoL..Fighting and all..

Oh well...I have to go to sleep...See ya I think!
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