Me Today!
When CJ Stuck in Men's Room (don't stare at me like that!)
Listen to-- The Muse: In Your World
Okay, now..this

humiliating moment happens on Friday, August 22, 2003. Since, I was--well--We were open a bazaar at Campus for raising money for some events in Psychology, so I was supposed to be in campus. Yeah, this humiliating moment happens in my own campus!!'s the different building with the one I usually hang around. So yeah. Here goes the story, I wanted to go to the rest room. I knew on this building's first floor, there's a rest room--so I just take a foot in. No sign is it for girl or boys or even unisex. I locked the cubical. I used the toilet flush. I finished. Then, when I wanted to unlocked and go out--I hear a sound. Boys sound. More than one. Dammit!!--Oh, shit!
Panicking. Turn into penguin. Shit! Okay, now CJ work your brain girl. What could be worse if you just walked out? Nothing. Are they going to kill you? Nope--Well, maybe though if one of them is Psycho!--Forget that.
If I walked just like an Innocent girl, what could be worse? Maybe the boys just staring at me in confused. Yeah. So I unlocked the door and walked out. They didn't realize me there. I just walked straight to the door out. For your Information : without looking around!--I kinda regrets it, No! LMAO! And slightly a second or so, one of them realize me. A girl in the men's room. Fuck!
He looked at me

. I just--smiled--stupid, I know. But what can I do? And what's weirder? He smiled back at me. LMAO! I don't know what's on his mind, really! And, thank God! I walked out the men's room (maybe it is). I closed the door behind me. You think it's finished. Oh No! you are so wrong. There are more boys out there and as you might guess, they were all stared at me. I put my normal innocent look

again and--yes--smiled. Shit! what am I doing! Oh, well I just walked away. I think I'll stay away from that place for a week or so. Humiliating. Thanks. Now, I remember
Ethan! you know, I think this 'humiliating moment' is contagious. LOL.
Yesterday, Saturday, August 23, 2003-- It’s my friend birthday!
Not just that, yesterday--since in my Campus is welcoming the freshmen--I , too, part of the welcoming team. There’s no cute guy in the freshmen crowd! Fuck!

Oh, well--maybe I wasn’t really pay attention (think positive!)
But the welcoming thing really exhausted me. I came home, ate and then slept. Yes! Can you believe it. I slept like about 9 pm. I mean 9 pm!! I never slept that early! I usually sleep around 2 or 3 am (don’t ask!). See, how exhausted I am!
I think, for now I just gonna laid back at home. Doing nothing. Because Monday, I’m gonna back to campus for the some events. Yeah, a busy week indeed. Now, laid back.
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