Me Today!
I'm exhausted..I need a real sleep..
Listen to--Matt Nathanson: Laid
Do you think cold can be transfered through the Phone connection? Because I got cold after Dimas--who's get cold at the time--called me through the phone. Possible. Argh, this is phathetic, I don't know what to write. My head is full of crap (read: lessons and homeworks). Oh, I know..I tell you something, yesterday after the class..Dimas and me were just joking around and suddenly..
Dimas said something like.."You know why I get cold? because I lack of Vitamine L."
And I asked him, "Vitamine L?--what is it?"
And guess what's his answer! It's so damn Cheesy!! You can laugh at it or mock it..I allowed that. Really.
He said.."Vitamine L is Love. I lack of Love." --God, I wanna barf

Anyway, my mid term exams were hell

My developmental Psychology was not really helping. Well, I found it kinda easy but anything can happen. My Philoshopy of Man was just okay..I think I'll pass that. Let's hope so--Even if I still don't know why it's so important learning about the dead peoples theory of man. Yeah, well sometimes they're make sense, but most of the time they don't.
My Organization and Industrial Psychology exam was hell also! Oh, please don't ask. It's a nightmare! I'm sure I'm failed. And my Methodology of Research...*sobbing so hard* I'm dead. Isn't it really obvious? I'm dead
But my Identification and development of creativity exams was kick major bootah! I'm sure I'll get at least a B. *cross my fingers*
Oh, well..It's raining all the time in here and I get cold. And the electricity is dead!! Now, I'm using my laptop's battery. Dimas cellphone is breakdown so I can't call him and he can't call me too. And I'm hungry..LOL
Oh, yeah..I get two bothers. They're kinda arguing all the time like cat and dog, but I heart them. Meet my brothers, Ethan (reincarnation of Harry Potter who likes Iggy Pop) and Rick (Ethan Suggest to call him Fhuzer or something..what ever that supposed to mean..but I think Ethan is just Jealous that rick has a girl friend and he doesn't. LOL, kidding bro)
Dont you just find this picture is kinda funny? It's Sean who's taking the pic. He has a talent there. I'm serious. This is funny but not my favorite. My favorite is this..very artistic..indeed. And this (Look for the traffic sign--weird--is that real?)
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