Me Today!
Homeworks!! Waaaack!! Finals are coming! Dammit!
Listen to--Club 8: Everlasting Love
I almost wanted to kill myself last night.

Aye yae yae! I'm so fucked up. I have to do an interview with the late adulthood for my Human development paper. I have to submit it on thursday 12/11 but until now I still don't get the subject and the person to interview...How sweet is that!

Argh!! I'm so fucked up! Oh, aside from the school stuffs, lately the campus life was mean to me and...Dimas. They're actually gossiping about our relationship. I mean that's not they're problem, don't they have a life or something?! dammit! They just NEVER grow up. Oh, well... Thank God, that Dimas and me are not take it seriously. We're just laughing at it; we even made a joke from it. It's just a lousy gossip and anyway it actually makes us closer--which is great

Last night on the phone, Dimas say something weird. He asked me whether he is a jackass or not? I kinda stunned.

Last week, I went on a date with my ex--Oldi--as a friend. Really! But I didn't tell Dimas, cus I think that's not so important and anyway I'm not Dimas GF right?? So yeah...I didn't tell him...Once again am I doing the right thing? Because I'm not sure.
I was just realise...Now my life was just about papers, homeworks, guy(s), and yeah...that's all...Sucks indeed...I missed hang out with my friends, just joking around...I just felt like I was not really laughing lately. This is a stressful week. *sigh*

Argh! dammit! Just give me that Finals okay! I don't care about it anymore, argh!! dammit!

Btw, My bro Rick is learn a lil Bahasa Indonesia!!! Yay! Rick can say 'Apa Kabar?'--What's up/How are you doing? Cool, huh? I heart you Rick!
And the other bro--Ethan--is still Missing.In.Action aka MIA. Ethan dude, so December you said...It's December NOW! blog dammit blog! Lazy ass you!
Zahira!! I had a nice chat with you the other day!! Yes, of course we can be friends..*hug*
Anggie, maapin gwe juga yah..Love you!
Mita! I saw you pic on the makeover site! nice! very! you look pretty! love it.
Quizez! (again)

You don't worship him you do kinda care sort of or
it is not that big of a deal for you or you got
other stuff cramed in your head (PLEZ RATE)
How attached are you to your boyfriend (Now with pics)
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The ULTIMATE personality test
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Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart?
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You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
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Oregon is a nice place, isn't it? Yes, it is. You
should live there. So should I. As of now
it's not crowded, but you never know. So
ummmm, ok...Oregon....yeah.
What State Is Perfect For You?
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You are Spearmint.
You are quick-witted and sharp. You pay close
attention to details and you can tell what your
friends are feeling. You are always the first
to understand a joke and you are valued for
your insight and advice. However, you
sometimes isolate yourself from other people,
afraid to share your own feelings.
Most Compatible With: Cinnamon
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Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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by Club 8
you and me
arguing about the fact
that i believe
in everlasting love
if you know what i can do
there's a reason for you to be here
she is tired
of my problems and of me
so for now
i will be on my own
one day
you will be here to stay
and maybe
see things my way
one day we'll be older
we'll look back to see
how things used to be
you and me
arguing about the fact
that i believe in everlasting love
if you know what i can do
there's a reason for you to be here
(back to chorus)
i don't know why
suddenly we changed into the very persons
we said we'd never be
i don't know why
suddenly we changed into the very persons
we said we'd never be
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