Me Today!
My Ultimate New Year Resolution! Watch out people!
Listen to--Beastie Boys: Intergalactic
I'm not really good at doing this thing really...Alrighty, I will begin,
Things do to in this 2004:
- Get my driving license--I never knew that driving would be so hard.

- Buy the miniatur telecaster guitar for Sean--don't mention this to him, it should be a surprise.
- Study hard for my grades--I should get my flying grades back!

- Learn more about child psychology outside class.
- Read more great books--so people, if you knew some wonderful books, any genre, please do tell me...I give you cookie?

- Listen to good music! Any UK underground-ers would be good. Anything rock doesn’t matter for me…So if you people heard any good stuffs, do tell!
- Learn more about web designing, java stuffs, html.
- Learn more about film maker--this is for the next event I'm onto.
- Not to get snap easily at problems--I should manage my temper or I turn to be my mum!!

- Be nice at Dimas cuz I think he diserve it--I'm cruel sometimes..and I know it's not good.

- Try not to selfish toward other people, esp. my friends.--get rid that 'me first' attitude!
- Watch many good movies, inspiring ones!--it might useful for my column at the campus magazine.

- Write more, anything!
- Draw sketches again--before I forget how to draw!

- Exercise more. I definitely need to jog and doing some basketball--I think I'll get gym class this semester.
- Learn more about photoshop.
- Act more my age!--not younger (the selfish kiddo!) or not older (desperate old women!). It's hard to act my age!

- Not eating to much greasy food and fat food.--Do the diet! you crap!
- Eat more vitamins, esp. Vitamin C and fruits and vegetables--Yay! broccoli!--so I don't get sick easily!
- Treat my friends good, esp. my best friends. Give them more attention, I think I pay too much attention at myself and forget them--me=selfish bitch!

- Don't forget people's birthday!!!
- Be nice at my family--They miss me, even if they don't show it!
- Don't slam the door, every doors!
- Walking nicely!--you're a girl! not a caveman! I should have a new personality.

- Drag Dimas to stop smoking

- No sleep late at night--that’s mean NO ‘3 am still awake’! and’s not good for the skin (Gee, I feel like a beautician…*sighs*)
- Don't laugh too loud, people's ears have some limitation. but...
- Buy new glasses. The sooner the better.
- Be more religious, 'God is the only one who will never grow tired listening to men'--Kierkegaard (my favorite philosopher!)

Yeah, I think that's all...It'll develop along the year I believe...
I hope I can do this resolution, not just write it down than forget it. I hope I’ll learn more about experience in life this year. Damn it, I feel like Felicity! LMAO

Alright, I have to rush. Bye peeps…

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