1. Do u ever see a ghost? yupe, I talked to them..Sad eh?
2. What time do u go 2 bed last night? 1.30 am..Late nuff..
3. What is the last movie that u see? Never been kissed on the TV
4. What is ur fave number? Hah! 15!
5. R u vegetarian? Nope, I enjoy meat thanks..
6. What is the last thin' that u buy? Shower puffs and socks
7. When was the last time that u cry? Gosh..I don't remember...a long time ago i guess..
8. Who is ur fave female singer? Shirley Manson from Garbage
9. What is ur nickname? CJ, Ka, JC, Jess, Chika..that's a lot!
10. Where is the last place that u go to? My room at my parents' house.

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