Me Today!

listen to Weezer = Burnt Jamb
Hellow! you know what?? It's Rainning in here! Heavy rain! with winds and thunders..kinda spooky but I love rain!'s new semester lecturers, well not really all new..some of them still teaching my class..there are spooky lecturer, weird lecturer, mental disturbed lecturer, hahahahahaha...okay okay! i'd LIE! they're nice, don't worry..^_^
Btw, I take this writing i have to make a journal of my own..not kinda like this Bloggie, it's a more serious the point is I have to critizice people's writing and stuffs..It's not really a big deal for me...I like to can search people's bad things..hahahahaha..Bad me! is everybody? I miss Yeshua and Miriam!! they are my foreigns friends...I miss you guys...talking about missing...I already miss my crush...Damn! here i start mellowing my ass again! I 'll blame the rain for this...Oh, well...I have to critizice some crap...bye peeps!

What type of music SHOULD you be listening to?
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You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on.
What inner color are you?
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