Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony that's life...Try to make ends meet ,you're a slave to the money then you die...I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet...

Sunday, March 09, 2003


anyways, i have a few questions to answer, now lets begin..shall we?

Blonde asians? Um, kinda look weird to me, but if it they're choice then good for them! ^_^
Disney movies? for kids
Ancient Rome versus Modern-Day Rome? Ancient Rome of course! so romantic
Stravinsky vs. Tchaikovsky? who??
Russia vs. U.S.S.R.? USSR! it's so the beatles
Sean Connery vs. Pierce Brosnan? Ah, dammit! this is tough! darn! they 're both sexy!
Prince William vs. the Queen? This is funny! i am absolutle normal! of corse Prince William!
Mindless twits with street smarts vs. Mathematical and science geniuses who are afraid of socialization? if i really have to choose, the first..
Steven Tyler vs. Mick Jagger? Okay! tough Question again! both! i like Aerosmith and The Rolling Stones
Steven Tyler vs. Liv Tyler? huh?
Polygamists? Big nono!
Hippocrytes? EVIL!
Bigots? i never heard from any of them.
Inflated egos? they're die
Black white people? no different for me, they're the same
White black people? again?
Stubble? Bubbles! love it!
Avril Lavigne? She rocks!
Canadian bacon vs. British bacon? no bacon.

there, you have it!