Me Today!
listen to : Weezer :Island in the sun
Yellow!! last! I'm back! missed me? nope? Go the hell then! hehehe..i'm talking crap I woke up at 9 and then I rose and I remember something..I just dreamt about my crush last night!!! yippie! *do the yippie dance* It's just an ordinary dream..just an ordinary conversation between me and my crush, not more not less..But i'm still happy!! it's great to be in love!
Oh, yeah..this two weeks I have and will have my mid term tests...Bah!! it's all wreck me up!! my brain almost explode..the day before yesterday..I got my general psychology test..I think i did my best on that..oh, well I hope..and next Tuesday I'll have my phisiology test...and it's essay..not multiple choice type..*cry* I think I better study then...*ohno!*
see ya! drive save!

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