Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony that's life...Try to make ends meet ,you're a slave to the money then you die...I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet...

Saturday, November 23, 2002

Me today!

listen to Bonjovi : Always

my goodness! i just eat a great lasagna today! my mom's! her lagsana is the greatest! yummie! i just checking my email at the yahoo my fellow high school friends send me buncha emails! they were the best ever! oh, friend Lukas Kurniawan had a poem for you...

tentang hujan (about the rain)
karya: Chairil Kurniawan

(i'm to lazy to translate it..sorry..)

tik tik tik
bunyi hujan di atas genting kos ku
membuat suasana menjadi sejuk
aku jadi semakin pulas tidur dan malas kuliah
duarr jegerr
geledek keras sambar menyambar
aku jadi bangun lagi

tes tes tes
kepalaku basah terkena air
ternyata atap kosku bocor
basah seluruh tubuhku
segera kuambil gelas dan piring untuk menampung

tiba-tiba ..
suasana menjadi gelap
ternyata listrik padam
pln memutuskan aliran listrik supaya tidak terjadi

ah malangnya nasibku..